
时间:2010-8-3 13:29:00  作者:向导






  如:The number of mistakes was surprising.错误的数量很惊人。

  Jane and Mary look healthy and strong.简和玛丽看起来很健康也很强壮。


  如:My family are having super now.我们一家人正在吃晚饭。


  如:Thirty dollars is too expensive for the dictionary.这本词典30美元太贵了。


  如:Not only the teacher but also his students like playing football.不仅老师喜欢踢足球,而且学生也喜欢踢足球。



  1. 名词作主语


  如:The audience was enormous.观众人数很多。

  The audience were enjoying every minute of it.观众们正津津有味地欣赏着它。

  常见的这部分词有:family, group, staff, army, board, class, committee, crew, government等

  2)有些集合名词,如:cattle, folk, people, police, youth等,只当复数看待,谓语动词必须用复数。

  如:The police are looking for the lost child.警察在寻找失踪的孩子。


  如:There are five sheep on the farm.农场里有五只绵羊。


  如:Great expectations was written by Dickens in 1860.《远大前程》是狄更斯于1860年写的。


  如:The doctor’s is near the school.大夫的诊所在学校附近。

  6)只有复数形式的名词作主语,谓语动词用复数形式。这类名词有:shoes, trousers, pants, gloves, glasses等。但如果主语由a pair of, a kind of, a series of 等修饰时,谓语用单数。

  如:A pair of shoes was in the box.鞋在盒子里。


  如:Three years has passed.三年过去了。

  Four hundred miles is a long distance.四百英里是一段长距离。

  8)不定代词each, every, no, either, neither 等修饰的名词,即使以and或逗号连接成多个并列主语,谓语动词仍用单数形式。

  如:Every man has his faults.每个人都有缺点。

  No clothes and no food is difficult to live.没有衣食很难生存。

  9)如果主语有more than one…或many a 构成,尽管从意义上看是复数,但谓语动词仍用单数形式。

  如:More than one student has seen the film.不止一个学生看过那部电影。

  Many a ship has been damaged in the storm.许多船只在那次暴风雪当中遭到破坏。

  但是在“more than +复数名词”或“more+复数名词+than one”结构之后,谓语动词用复数。

  如:More than 30 students have seen the film.有30多个学生看过这部电影。

  More members than one are against your plan.超过一个以上的成员反对你的计划。

  10)both, many, a few, few, several等限定词修饰主语时,谓语要用复数形式。

  如:Both these films are boring.这两部电影都没有意思。


  如:Between the two windows hangs a picture.在两个窗户间挂着一幅画。


  如:The rich are for the plan, but the poor are against it.富人赞成这个计划,而穷人反对这个计划。

  The departed was a well-known engineer.死者是一位非常著名的工程师。

  2. 代词作主语

  1)all, most, none, some等代词作主语,要遵循意义一致的原则,即:其谓语动词的单、复数形式要根据他们所替代的词的含义来确定。

  如:All of my classmates work hard.我们班所有同学都很用功。

  All of the water is gone.所有的水都用光了。

  2)由代词each, every one, no one, either, neither,以及复合不定代词anything, something等作主语,谓语都用单数。

  如:Each of the twenty guests was given a present.给20位客人每人赠送一份礼物。

  Someone wants to see you.有人要见你。

  3)表示数量的不定代词much, little作主语,谓语动词使用单数;而many, few作主语,谓语动词用复数。

  如:Much of our food comes from plants.我们的许多食物来自植物。

  Only the few are likely to enjoy this music.只有那少数几个人可能喜欢这音乐。

3. 有连接词连接的名词或代词作主语


  如:Both the secretary and manager have agreed to be present.书记和经理都同意出席。


  如:The poet and writer has come.那位诗人兼作家来了。

  2)当名词或代词后面是with, as well as, along with, together with, but, except, in addition to, rather than等连词作主语,谓语动词一般和前一名词或代词的人称和数一致。

  如:Dr. Green, together with his wife and two sons, has just left and will return at four o’clock.格林博士及其夫人和两个儿子一起刚刚离开,将于4点回来。

  3)由or, either…or, neither…nor, not only…but also等连接的名词或代词作主语,谓语动词要符合就近一致的原则,即要与邻近的主语一致。

  如: Either the principal or his assistants are to attend the meeting. 要么校长要么他的助手们得去参加会议。

  4. 数词、量词作主语


  用法类似的结构还有half of, a lot of, plenty of, a large quantity of, the rest of等

  如:Half of the students have read the novel.一半学生读过这本小说。

  Half of the food is unfit to eat. 一半的事物不能吃了。

  There is plenty of wine in the bottle.瓶里还有不少的酒。

  There are plenty of books on the shelf.书架中有很多书。

  2)the number of+可数名词, the amount of+不可数名词, the quantity of+可数名词或不可数名词的短语作主语,谓语用单数。

  如:The number of the pages in this book is 500.这本书的页码是500页。

  The quantity of books in the library is amazing.图书馆书的数量是令人惊讶的。



  如:Each of the students was required to translate the poem by himself. 要求每个学生能够独立把这首诗翻译出来。

  Every doctor must know both medical theory and techniques so that he can apply them in helping his patients.每一位医生必须既懂得医学理论,又懂得医学技术,这样才能将它们用于帮助自己的病人。

  注:1)在英语中,国家、船只等事物的名词一般被看为阴性的,所以常用she, her来代替。

  如:France has decided to increase her trade with China.法国决定增加其对华贸易。

  2)合成代词anyone, somebody等的性别一般用they, their 指代。

  如:Nobody remembered to sign their names.没人记着去签名。

  3)不定代词one在句中重复使用,可以用his, he代替。

  如:One must love his motherland.一个人必须热爱他的祖国。



  如:误:Having been delayed by heavy traffic, it was impossible for her to arrive on time.

  正:Having been delayed by heavy traffic,she found it impossible for her to arrive on time.
